Nurses continue to be the center of driving healthcare into the future. They have a powerful frontline presence in our communities to demonstrate compassion, a high degree of critical thinking skills, and sound decision-making while caring for those. They are strong for those who are weak, they are brave for those who are scared, and are hope for the hopeless. Florence Nightingale reminds us that we are never finished and that we must continue to learn all of our life. The future of nursing into 2030 will focus on health equity by strengthening the capacity and expertise of nursing.

The Panhandle Great 25 Nurses is an opportunity to recognize Nurses from ALL practice areas for their contributions to the communities in which they live and practice both the art and science of nursing. The success of the past 7 annual recognition events has allowed the Great 25 committee to allocate 90,000 dollars in scholarships for nurses to continue to pursue and advance their education in the field of professional nursing and to provide healthcare to the citizens in their respective Panhandle communities. Building on the great success from the past events, this year 7 nursing students will be awarded $1,000.00 scholarship and 1 nurse will be awarded the Dr. Valerie Kiper Doctoral Leadership Scholarship at $2500.00

As we embark on our 8th annual Panhandle Great 25 Nurses celebration, we invite you to join our efforts to recognize 25 deserving professional nurses throughout the Texas Panhandle. The Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Celebration tremendously appreciates our past sponsors who have helped to make the event so successful. The committee would like to extend the 2024 sponsorship opportunity to our corporate, industry, and community business partners, as well as individual sponsors to help us ensure the tradition of the Panhandle Great 25 and its mission continues. Our hope is this award will continue to be recognized throughout the nursing community for years to come in the Texas Panhandle as an esteemed honor and prestigious accomplishment for the nursing profession.

The Panhandle Great 25 Nurses 8th annual event will take place on November 7th, 2024, from 5:30-8:00 pm at WTAMU Alumni Banquet Dining Hall on the WTAMU campus in Canyon, Texas.

Address: 2604 Russell Long Blvd., Canyon, TX 79015


Download Sponsorship Application

Deadline for sponsorship application:  October 18, 2024.

Sponsorship advertising information:

Camera ready artwork for your logos and ad should be sent to no later than October 18, 2024, for your information to appear in the program and social media platforms.

Advertisement specifications are detailed below:

o Please convert all images to pdf

o Full page Interior page program Ad : Finished size 7.5” x 4.5”

o Half page program Ad : Finished size 3.75” x 4.5”

o Wide Full Color Hi-Resolution pdf accepted

For credit card sponsorship/donation payments, please go to:

Mission: To recognize Registered Nurses for their caring, compassionate service in the Texas Panhandle.




Hope Diamond Sponsor $5,000

Full page advertisement in the Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Award program book

Large banner display with name in the event venue

Recognition as lead sponsor in all marketing and publication materials

Recognition at the podium on celebration night

16 reserved seats to the Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Celebration

Logo on Facebook page

Exhibitor table


Diamond Sponsor $2,500

Full page advertisement in the Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Award program book

Large banner display with name in the event venue

Recognition at the podium on celebration night

8 reserved seats to the Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Celebration

Logo on Facebook page

Exhibitor table


Ruby Sponsor $1,500

Half page advertisement in the Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Award program book

Recognition at the podium on celebration night

8 reserved seats to the Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Celebration

Logo on Facebook page

Exhibitor table


Sapphire Sponsor $1,200

Half page advertisement in the Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Award program book

Recognition at the podium on celebration night

4 reserved seats to Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Celebration


Emerald Sponsor $750

Half page advertisement in the Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Award program book

Recognition at the podium on celebration night

2 reserved seats to Panhandle Great 25 Nurses Celebration


Vendor Sponsorship $650

Half page advertisement in the Panhandle 25 Nurse Award program book

1 reserved seat to Panhandle Great 25 Nurse Celebration


Advertisements Only

Full Page ad: $500 / Half Page ad (horizontal or vertical): $300


Individual or a table of tickets may also be purchased. (Separate from a sponsorship.)


Our Mission:

To recognize nurses for their caring, compassionate service in the Texas Panhandle

Learn More

 1 806-654-2570